All IAMF Festivals in one single step!
How does it work? It’s easy! Start by requesting a submission link and then you’ll be able to create and define your film information and send the application to all the festivals with active/ongoing submission calls.
The data entry does not necessarily have to be done all at once, but – since the data is preserved between visits even on different browsers/devices – you can work on it whenever you want! The data is always saved automatically, even if not complete and valid.
Once the entered data is valid and complete, you’ll be able to apply/forward the film to open/ongoing submission calls. For future submission calls you can choose to receive a notification/reminder via email and then quickly apply to a submission call.
When applying to a single festival submission, you’ll have to express your consent to the festival submission’s regulations and privacy policy (and depending on specific cases some additional data). The following steps of evaluation and notification are done directly by the festivals. You will find the email address to contact the festival in the email you receive after applying.
For further information consult our mini-guide.
If you need technical support please contact